Having done a lot of research throughout the internet, having scrutinized the details, it is pretty clear that the terrorist threat does not, in fact, exist. At the very least, it does not exist in a way that US and Western governments let the people of America and the whole world believe.
Each next election cycle seems to be more and more heavily influenced by religion. It might be the beginning of the blurring of the line between the Church and the State. Separating Church and state is quite different than separating religion from politics.
The independent Government had created much stronger religious institutions because there wasn't a backlash as it was in the European countries against the Church. This was a problem for their already established ones, which were totally tied with the power structure. There were lots of traditions developed independently and made stronger by society, and if a person is considered to be a serious believer then it is impossible to separate their personal religious convictions from their political ones.
Liberty city is a neighborhood in Miami city, Florida and is as close to a black ghetto. Living quietly in a warehouse In Liberty city were seven intellectually-challenged young men who called themselves the "Sons of David" or the "Seeds of David", depending which one was asked. Describing themselves as Christian-Zionist-Muslim martial artist immigrants, which is no joke, they were quietly awaiting for a Biblical end times prophecy.
Whenever the fight is on and power and money are at stake, then there is no such thing as a trick that is too dirty. Everything is permitted as long the opponent's image is ruined and as long in it is done by the law, not in a way to obstructs the justice system. There are other ways for harming the opponent's reputation.
"Brother Mohammed" offered the Christian-Zionist-Muslim martial artist immigrants 50,000$ dollars. As it turned this, and only this, got the men's attention. Nevertheless, the FBI's agent "Brother Muhammed" had an agenda to make terrorists out of these young men, so probing deeper was the next most logical step.
The agent asked the would- be terrorists if these youngsters want to engage in military training, and who would not do such a thing for a price of 50 grand> The only problem was that there were no weapons or explosives, or anything required for this type of job. Little by little the curtains started to fall down leaving place for the grand final- making the youngsters say a few "Al- Qaeda" oaths, which were either recorded secretly or created by the FBI agent afterwards, and then at the appointed time, the men are were arrested and brought to trial.
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